Bringing hope to orphans and outcasts in Nepal

Little Nira, age 10

Not all orphanages in Nepal are the same

Many take advantage of the system in Nepal by setting up orphanages to line their own pockets. Their hearts are never to care for the children, but instead, they put them at risk. We want to ensure no child in Nepal has to suffer these common dangers.


They desire healthy food to make them strong but are given scraps and zero healthcare to keep them well. 

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They dream of what they want to be when they grow up but lose hope without the education they need. 

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They want a family but instead are left alone and suffer abuse from those they thought they could trust. 

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They want to be hugged and cared for but are left yearning for affection, connection, and hope.

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We’re more than an orphanage. We’re a family.

orphanage family standing together in Nepal
two sisters smiling in orphanage
two brothers smiling in orphanage
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Planted Oaks is a small grassroots ministry entrusted to care for a family of ten orphans by providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We desire to walk alongside each child in our family and care for them until they are fully grown, equipping them with a foundation that helps them walk confidently in the plans God has prepared for them.

Your partnership changes everything.

Every dollar you give makes a difference for the children, providing encouragement and provision in life-changing ways.

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Resources to grow and thrive in their relationship with Jesus.

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Kitchen full of healthy food to satisfy the family.

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Intentional healthcare when needed to grow and live strong.

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Private education to equip them to be successful adults.

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Atmosphere of love, healthy rhythms, discipline, and care.

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Laughter, rooftop dancing, games, and celebrations.